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Kean University
Center for Academic Success
1000 Morris Avenue
Union, NJ 07083

Telephone: (908) 737-0460

Fax: (908) 737-0465


  1. Tom Buccine says:

    I was wondering if anyone has knowledge about the Kean literary magazine that was supposed to be published. I believe submissions were sent in during the fall months of last semester (2015). If anyone, knows if the magazine came out, or can supply me with a link to an online copy I would certainly appreciate it. Thank you.


  2. Dear Tower Staff,

    I received an e mail directing me to the article you wrote concerning my retention to independently audit and review Kean University’s hiring practices among other areas of concern. I felt it was unfair to even mention me absent an approved press release or pertinent information seeing that I have an office right on the Campus. Your article was certainly not representative of my capabilities profile and the mention of not knowing the name of my Church could looked at as a slight. I encourage you to call me at my office and set a time to do an article with the facts of who I am, my qualifications and intentions as we proceed to move forward on the task at hand.


    Reverend Michael Blackwell


    • Hi Reverend,

      Rebecca Panico here, the author of the article you’re referring to. My email is listed at the end of that article. My email is I want to do a follow up on you and get all of your qualifications and intentions on the record.

      I always strive to be fair, balanced, and accurate. The information I have about you was provided to me by the university. I asked for additional information regarding which church you were from but that information was not provided to me. I didn’t even know you have an office on campus too — if I did, I certainly would have called.

      I’m simply here to tell the facts. Let’s set up an interview soon. I look forward to meeting you.


  3. Sharon Hart says:

    Hi My name is Sharon. I am the Office Manager at Harrison Research in Union, NJ. We are always looking for people to test new products & get paid cash for testing them. Do you sell any advertising space? Is there an actual hardcopy paper that is available that may sell advertising space on the campus?


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